Custom Plush Bobo Gift Baskets


These adorable gift baskets can be customized to include names, dates or even favorite phrases. The bobo balloosns make excellent birthday, christening, holiday, and baby shower/announcement gifts.

  1. 24 - 30 inch bobo balloon

  2. Plush Animal

  3. Dried Greenery

  4. Woven Gift Basket (Can be used to place addtl gifts)

  5. Satin Sash

  6. Satin Ribbon

  7. Vinyl Lettering

Upgrades can be added to included clothing, candy, flower, 5 in balloons.

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These adorable gift baskets can be customized to include names, dates or even favorite phrases. The bobo balloosns make excellent birthday, christening, holiday, and baby shower/announcement gifts.

  1. 24 - 30 inch bobo balloon

  2. Plush Animal

  3. Dried Greenery

  4. Woven Gift Basket (Can be used to place addtl gifts)

  5. Satin Sash

  6. Satin Ribbon

  7. Vinyl Lettering

Upgrades can be added to included clothing, candy, flower, 5 in balloons.

These adorable gift baskets can be customized to include names, dates or even favorite phrases. The bobo balloosns make excellent birthday, christening, holiday, and baby shower/announcement gifts.

  1. 24 - 30 inch bobo balloon

  2. Plush Animal

  3. Dried Greenery

  4. Woven Gift Basket (Can be used to place addtl gifts)

  5. Satin Sash

  6. Satin Ribbon

  7. Vinyl Lettering

Upgrades can be added to included clothing, candy, flower, 5 in balloons.

Meet the PopUp Plush Crew:

Each plush Bobo balloon is named in dedication of our clients’ amazing children. Check out our social media posts to find out how to get a plush named in honor of your child!

Bobo Balloon: Renaissance Collection